Where Did The Squeak Gene Come From

Bassets are interesting dogs, and one of the most interesting things about them is their squeak. I don’t know where the squeak comes from, but every basset hound I have seen seems to have inherited this trait. When a basset hound wants you to feel sorry for him or her, the basset hound will squeak. This squeak is a high pitched squeak that is sure to get your attention. When the do this squeak, they also have the saddest look on their face, as if they are so sad and lonely. However, this whole squeak thing is just a ploy to get you to feel sorry for the basset. Usually after a basset hound squeaks for a few minutes, his or her owner will come over and pet him/her. Sometimes the bassets owner will even give the basset a treat! I am not sure how this squeak gene came to be, for I am sure the bassets ancestors did not have a need for a squeak gene.
Why do I have a feeling that Max is the master of the pitiful mewling squeak? Could it be that his sister Agnes is also a master of it?
Melynda, Agnes's Mom
I do think that Max and Agnes are two peas in a pod. They know how to use that squeak to manipulate their mom's!
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